Hello! I feel I used to start most of these entries like this. But this time, it's been years! I used to use this as a space to release. Life has quietened now, the waters have calmed.
I now live in a sleepy yet magical spot. A bungalow full of quirks on the land of an old farm. Surrounded by trees and pheasants. I have dogs and chickens, some day I'll have geese and perhaps a goat! Craig is still my ... everything. The kids are growing too, Evelyn's started school, her 6th birthday is fast approaching!
My life doesn't revolve quite so much around them now, there are no nap schedules to live by or bags to pack every time we leave the house. I have a job I enjoy, and gives me room to grow. I'm starting my teacher training, whilst still having the time to be home with them during the holidays. Life is beautiful.
We are in the tail end of the summer holidays, I stumbled across a free 2 week online writing course. I thought, why not? In a few weeks my brain will be filled to the brim with emails, calls, deadlines, planning so whilst it's empty, why not have a rummage around to see if I can unearth any forgotten treasures. Each day we are given a prompt, or theme to base our writing on. I've got up before the kids each morning to write each day. Some of the things that have been spilling from my mind to the page have left me with a cocktail of emotions- sadness, love, relief.
As with most things I write I share because honestly, I get a buzz from the intentional vulnerability. It opens up a chance to talk about what I've written, so they don't just live a life hidden away in one of my notebooks.
I'm half way into my second week now, so I'll post them separately....I do tend to waffle on! Let me know if you enjoy them.
Much love, welcome back, Grace.
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