Monday, 11 April 2016

A brilliant little big day with my little big boys

Today was a big day for us! Connor had his first afternoon at nursery!  I was hoping that being my second son to become old enough to go to nursery I would have felt more prepared but nope, of course I spent the whole last few days worrying myself silly and considering hiding him and myself away in a distant cave somewhere.

We have spent ages talking about him going after the Easter bunny has been. We chatted about his peg, his lunch box everything and even though he would occasionally get upset and say "no, I'll miss mummy" and cling to me he (even though I couldn’t see it) was totally ready.

He walked in, sat himself down at the table and started eating his lunch like he had done it a million times before. He even waved goodbye and smiled at me! I'm both beaming with pride and a little taken back he didn't even cry for me! Ha! Funny how the mummy's mind works...or maybe that's just mine!

With Connor at nursery I was able to spend some quality time with just Danny. Something I haven't really done since Connor was born. The odd trip to the shops here and there but nothing like this.

I gave myself up to the mercy of my four year old son and asked him what he would like us to do for the next 2 and a half hours. We ran a few errands, brought some budgie food (seriously,  this kid loves his budgies! He cleans their cage every morning and changes their food and water and is always chatting to them, it's really lovely to watch!) even if they are squawking cheeky little poop machines!

 We also found and brought the monster truck Connor needed to complete his Blaze die cast collection, which is pretty awesome!  It doubled as a well done on your first day and a thank you for giving me my sanity back and sleeping in your own bed again for the last week present. Safe to say he was thrilled and currently is sleeping in bed, along with 7 monster trucks...

We then went to Costa, I have never taken the boys into Costa simply because it's always been a no way it will be a nightmare in my head. But this was really lovely. He 'took me to Costa to cheer me up' ain't he a cutie!?  We sat there chatting away about how he wants to be a zoo keeper when he grows up but that he will call me to come and help him pick up the poop because I'm so good at it! Cheers son! He had a giant marshmallow tea cake and, to my surprise ate the whole lot!

After our little Costa date (and a Mother son karaoke session in the car) we went to Danny's favourite place of all time, an owl sanctuary in Fritton. This is also the pet centre that we brought our budgies from. We wondered about cooing at the fluffy little ducklings and said hello to all the owls there. As a special treat Danny even held his favourite owl (he has all the keyrings, fridge magnets and pictures of this owl... He's a little obsessed)  Fluke, the barn owl. He loves him that much he didn't even mind when he did a huge poop all the way down his jumper haha!

When we were waiting for Connor we were watching all the children playing in the playground and then ending the day with lining up in twos to walk inside. Then I saw the boys key worker running along the playground after Connor who apparently decided the line wasn't for him!  That's Connor alright!  He did conform to the line in the end ha! The staff said he had been really happy and confident, laughing and smiling all afternoon. After a quick cuddle he was so excited about his new car he couldn't wait to get home to try him out. Not a tear insight.
Super proud of my little dudes, it sounds strange but today they both seem to have grown up a little, which for once,  doesn't feel like a bad thing.

Thanks for visiting!  XxxX


  1. Grace you have two amazing boys I love reading your blogs seeing your pictures xx

  2. Beautiful Grace! So proud of you all!! xxx
