Today I thought I'd post something a little more light hearted in nature. I try to believe in the power of positivity. Life is one long road of ups and downs and one day I'll be back on top. But you can't just sit back and just expect good stuff to happen to you without giving anything out. Positive vibes have power apparently so lets see!
If Roald Dahl said it, it must be true!!
1. Obviously of course, my numero uno ,are my two beautiful, amazing, totally bonkers little boys Danny and Connor. Even their names make me smile, I love these two little little balls of craziness more than words could even come close to describing. They are my sun moon and stars and everything in between. I am so so blessed to be their Mummy.
I have hundreds of much nicer photos of my boys but I'm a bit picky about where I post them. Having them open for anyone at all to see freaks me out a little but I think these pics show what cheeky monkeys...or ninja turtles they are!
2. Next would have to be my Mr. My fianee (how cringey does that sound!! Athough partner or boyfriend are just as bad ha!) I met this guy at the tender age of 14 after a friend of mine gave me his MSN (rememer that!) address! We spoke for months and eventually met to go to watch the Grudge at the cinema. That film totally freaks me out, but I was more terrified about touching his hand! (Wonderfully terrified!) But yeah, I'm not one for mush. He knows how I feel about him. I couldn't be without him, even if he is really annoying. He is a pretty awesome human and the best Daddy to our boys I could ask for. He is also a complete buffoon who won't take nice pictures with me!
3. My friends. I am so lucky to have some of the bestest friends ever. I have some lovely close friends who I see when I can but with kids and life we don't see each other as much as I'd like, but we chat on Facebook a lot. I've known one lady in particular for years and after my last miscarriage she was there straight away taking me to Costa for a sugar fix. She's awesome.
I also have a group of three really close friends. We used to work together, and have remained friends for years. They are my boys Godmums. We talk via messenger every day and I know they are always always there for me.They are the kind of friends you can be completely yourself with without thinking. We are all very different but these guys are priceless, and I don't think they really know how much I love them all!
4. Music - I can literally loose hours, headphones in world out. I think a good chunk of my brain is filled up with song lyrics! If I had to name my top five favourite bands/artists to listen to they would have to be Maroon 5, Paulo Nutini, Emeli Sande, Snow Patrol and Ed Sheeran...ahh and Coldplay, Stereophonics...right I'll stop there or I never will ha!
I used to play the piano when I was younger , I was fairly good. I remember playing Memory from the musical cats in front of the whole of my middle school once. One day maybe I'll pick it up again. I'd love my boys to learn to play an instrument. Maybe they will start up a band together....I would be at every single one of their gigs (how embarressing!) .... On second thoughts.... they are seriously gorgeous boys already so that along with being in a band I would have an awful lot of young girls showing up at my front door looking for my boys (yak!) ! Danny would make a good lead singer, Connor a drummer... Yes, definitely a drummer!
5.Trees! As daft as that sounds! The noise they make when they sway in the wind, the smell after the rain. We have a really bizarre tree in our garden. It has these weird bobbly pod things on and most of the time it's really quite bare. Now the leaves are dropping and they are really beautiful colours. Me and the boys will probably collect some and make a picture with them this weekend :). I love nothing more than being outside wondering around the woods with my boys collecting leaves and interesting sticks and rocks. Mud on our shoes, cheeks red and rosy. Lovely.
6. Anything warm! I'm one of those eternally cold people. My feet are always cold. Craig always moans about my 'dead feet' touching him in bed! He will let me warm them up on him though ( see said he was lovely!) My nose always gets cold too, and I try to cover it with my lips (I don't realise I do this) again Craig thinks I'm rather ridiculous! Nothing better than getting in a steamy hot bath or shower! So warm fluffy Jumpers, socks, slippers, blankets are a winner for me! Hot drinks (I'm a bit of a mug and weird drink hoarder!) and also because holding a mug warms my icicle fingers!!
And Coffee!!! Ahh coffee. I never used to drink it before I had the kids....who were monsters for sleeping (Connor is still a bit of a buggar and ends up in our bed most...okay every night in the early hours... But he's so scrummy and snuggly I don't really mind!)
I especially like weird flavour hot drinks ...the pumpkin spiced latte at star bucks is lovely!! I have a whole mouth of sweet teeth...seriously buy me a coffee and cake and I'll love you forever! Oh and rum, can't forget rum. What!? It warms you up doesn't it!? Ha!
Spiced chai latte, salted caramel green tea, caramel coffee, Lemon and ginger tea... Just a few I have out of the cupboard at the mo!
7.Jewelry. Now I'm not talking expensive posh jewelry. I mean costume jewellery, that makes me jingle wherever I go, really loud weird stuff. I get most of my stuff via eBay auctions from China, so it's ultra cheap too. 1.70 with postage for this!? Yes!!
My pashmina too, bootsale 1.50 it's beautiful and I love it! Reversible too!! Eeek!
8. Animals. I have always grown up with pets and wanted the same for the boys. I feel a pet can teach you so much. We have a huge great slob of a dog called Alfie. He is a boxer x lab x God knows what! He is a huge gentle giant with a few anxiety issues! He was a rescue dog. We originally agreed to a puppy or a dog no bigger than a spaniel....but saw his big brown eyes and when we were told no one else had even looked at him we knew he was meant for us. Our stinky old floppy chops!
We have two budgies too, woody and buzzy peep (buzz died :() Woody is a grumpy little snot who loves nothing more than dive bombing me and biting me. Even so, I do love the little git, occasionally he let's me rub his head. Buzzy peep is pretty sweet, and has now learnt how to fly properly so I don't have to keep rescuing him from behind the sofa! We have a big tropical fish tank too, Craigs thing..he's always kept fish and a little goldfish tank in the kitchen. Oh and we have a little Robin we have name Robby (original) we go and feed in the garden ha!

9. Anything crafty. Drawing, painting and making things. This is something I really need to pick back up. I really have to be in the right mood though...I really want to make my own dream catcher one day, and I'd love to learn to sew. I've recently drawn a few little bits after years of not doing anything and was pleasantly surprised with the outcomes. Perhaps a trip to hobbycfaft is in order for a bit of inspiration, especially with Christmas round the corner! (Argggh!)
Anyhoo that's my top ten! From the tree hugging, coffee addicted, jewelry and candle hoarding fluffy sock wearer!!
And one final note.....
This made me laugh way too much this morning, it's definitely something I would say ha!
Hope your day was brighter than the weather!! Xxx
Loves these! And we all love you very very much too! xxx
ReplyDelete:D thank you for inspiring me to Start!! Xxx
Delete:D thank you for inspiring me to Start!! Xxx
DeleteGreat reading again Grace xxxx
ReplyDeleteThank you so so much Jacki your support (in everything!) means the world to me! Xx
DeleteThank you so so much Jacki your support (in everything!) means the world to me! Xx
DeleteGreat reading again Grace xxxx