It seems that myself and my family are going though a rather exciting time of positive changes right now. Which, I am so thankful for and a hugely excited for so thought I'd write them all down!
It's been a busy few weeks for Danny, and more on its way. He starts in reception class in September and he's so excited. We find out on Monday which class he will be in, everyone seems lovely so I'm sure he will love it. Ahh, my first born baby all grown up and needing uniform! Next sale, I'm coming for you! He has been trying to convince me that he really, definitely needs a pet corn snake for his birthday (in November). I'm probably about 75% convinced. He really does love animals and he borrowed 8 different books about snakes from the library this week. He gets me to read them to him at breakfast! He loves watching videos on YouTube about how to care for and feed a snake (he has my warped sense of humour in the fact he finds it intensely interesting to watch a snake devour a mouse..) He is a lovely boy, but he's one of a kind. He's four, but would wonder around a toy shop for hours, lost. Unlike Connor, who looses his shit at anything car related and absolutely loves his toys and is always making up games and carrying a bag of random items around with him. He is dangerous to take into a toy shop!
Danny wants a microscope and a telescope a toy scorpion and a dinosaur fossil for Christmas and spends hours at his little desk drawing, writing and looking at books. His dream is to be a zoo keeper, and I think one day he will be an amazing one!
Connor is doing really well at nursery. He's not getting upset when I leave him now, just when I pick him up like a sudden rush of emotion, poor little munchkin. He is going to be starting three full days in September. Which will be a big change for him as he only goes two afternoons and a morning at the moment. I'm sure he will love it though. His speech is coming on so well now, he's still a little fuzzy at times but he soon finds a way to show you what he means. I do hope he can hold his temper at nursery though. He's a right little strop at times. He has been known to lamp his brother round the head with a remote control before...
Another big change that's happened in our little family recently is Craig passed his management interview. I'm so so proud of him. He worked so hard for it, and never gave up. Even when he wanted to at times. He's an amazing role model to our boys and I know that they (and our soon to be little lady) were his determination behind it all, which... Just makes me love him that little bit more.
I'll turn 26 in September, which sounds really old Ha! It also means I'm a year closer to 30. Which is a big age to me. I wanted to be married by 30, it could still happen! Need to seriously start saving for it though, which with Craig's new job is a possibility now!! Plus, I would like baby to be about 4/5 so she could enjoy the day too, dance with daddy and wear a pretty dress! Plus, that gives me enough time to loose my wobbly bits! There's a lot of them ha!
I was also told during my Mother's diagnosis that I probably wouldn't make it to my thirties with her still here. She has picks disease (early on set dementia). She lives in a residential home and I visit her when I can. She seems to get a little worse each time. It sounds funny, but she always forgets I'm pregnant, so she always seems really shocked and I get the big reaction to the news over and over. So God knows what she will be like when I turn up with a random baby to see her, her first granddaughter...
It's hard to see her sometimes, and I feel like I stress her out more by visiting. She always cries when she sees me, which I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing!? Life sucks sometimes, I really do miss having a mum about, especially with young children and, another on the way.
And of course....The biggest, most dramatic life changing event due to happen in September, although for some reason I keep telling everyone October, (due sep 28) is our baby girl's arrival! She is going to turn everything upside down and inside out and I can't wait! It honestly still doesn't feel real. Even though I'm a walking walrus and she's going utero gymnastics in there It still feels a bit like a fairy tale.
Our kitchen is being redone in a few weeks and we need to keep her room as empty as possible to store all the kitchen bits and new kitchen in until it's finished. I can't wait for it to be done! A, because it's going to be a complete nightmare as the boys break up from nursery and what the heck am I going to do with no washing machine or oven for a week!? Argh! I don't even have a washing line, because I snapped it ha! Oh well, will be worth it when it's done as our kitchen now is way older than me! Plus, I can then put up her cot bed and her chest of drawers can come in, which I am uber excited for!!! My super clever sister is painting, waxing carving a beautiful old oak chest for her and I can't wait!! It's going to be amazing! I've almost ticked everything off her list now too, I found this little pink doll for her, and had to get it as it reminded me of the one I had as a baby!
It will be so lovely to finally start unpacking it all, washing all the clothes and bedding with white fairy fabric conditioner (absolutely love that stuff it means cuddly lovely snuggly newborns!!)
This pregnancy has gone quite quickly, and the slowest ever at the same time. I think with everything that happened before I fell successfully with her (Past blog here) has left permanent scars. I worry about her every day and can't wait till she is here and safe in my arms. I don't quite want to announce her name, just yet. Although all family and friends already know it! And it won't change! It means wished for child, and she certainly is!
Sorry, I didn't mean to get so deep in this post. I'm not hoping for sympathy or what not. Not at all. It's just I try to write from the heart, and what I've written about is my life and real. I've had a rough ride of it at times, but hasn't everyone? I try to take something positive from every situation, to learn from it and grow. For example, in relation to my previous post link, i've learnt that because of the losses I've suffered before falling pregnant this time that due to tests I have been offered, I may have a blood disorder that causes my blood to clot quickly. It can't be confirmed until baby is born and my hormones are all back to normal but would most definitely, be the reason for all the heartache. Which, is particularly important to me because she is a she! If I do have this blood disorder, then maybe when she wants to start a family she can be tested beforehand and never have to suffer like I did. Which, is pretty special.
Anyways, now off to watch another episode of Orange is the new black, which is a lot easier and more relaxed than prison break, that I have just finished....and totally loved! Even if I do now have a huge crush on Michael Schofield! Ha!
Until next time!
Thanks for visiting! XxxX